split pea soup
I grew up eating split pea soup so often and it brings back so many sweet memories of long ago that the thought of it makes my mouth water. If it’s on the menu at a fancy restaurant where I know it will be doctored up with elaborate ingredients such as sherry or truffle oil, it’s hands down the first thing I order. I usually turn the soup into my entire meal. I love garnishing it with whatever I'm in the mood for... sweet ham, sweet potatoes or sweet bananas, or all of the above!
I want my kids to feel the same way about split pea soup as I do-- to think of me when they eat it, as I think of my own mom. When the temperature drops it’s the first meal I make. Instead of using a pressure cooker, as my mom did, I make it on the stovetop so I can smell it cooking all day. This version of my mom’s Sopa de Chicharo creates an ambiance in my house as well as a meal.
Elizabeth on
I love listening to Bob each morning on WGN radio. I enjoy learning from his guests
and look forward to the program each day.
I also enjoy his health conscious remarks and learn from them too.
mark on
Hi Marianne, prayers are with you as you watch the issues in Cuba
BEtty MIller on
mark payne on
is the banana just a “side” then?